Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is here again

Hello and welcome to wellness with essential oils.

Spring is a glorious season of rebirth so start the clean up from winter and prepare to have fun.

Plant a garden, invite friends and family for a cookout, take in the warm air and rejoice!

Now is a great time to be well; so start your day with a great breakfast, exercise  a bit and take a good combination of nutritional supplements. I use core essentials from Young Living. It covers all my needs and I wash them down with a great antioxidant...Ningxia Red.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring is around the corner

Spring is around the corner and spring cleaning is about to begin.
Detoxify your home with Thieves products. The formula in Thieves cleaner can't be beat.
Clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and eucalyptus radiata essential oils...what a powerful combination proven to be 99.9% effective in killing airborne bacteria.

According to historical accounts from the fourteenth century France, there was once a band a thieves who anointed themselves with various aromatics, such as cinnamon and clove, prior to robbing the homes of plague victims. The thieves never became ill and once captured were forced to relinquish their secret formula. Young Living's essential oil blend, Thieves, is based on this ancient account.

The natural antibacterial properties of Thieves Cleaner is safe way to clean your home and keep it as germ free as possible, without the risk of chemicals that can actually do more harm than good.

Good cleaning to you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Aid Home Medicine Chest

Hello Everyone,

     The FIRST AID HOME MEDICINE CHEST includes the following essential oils:
     Substitute potentially harmful remedies with your FIRST AID HOME MEDICINE CHEST.
Instead of...
acne ointments...use LEMON on the site
burn cream...useLAVENDER on the burn
fever reduction tablets...use PEPPERMINT on the soles of the feet
inflammation medications...use FRANKINCENSE, inhale deeply and put on site if possible
sleep medication...use PEACE/CALMING on your feet, back of neck,and inhale deeply
ache and pain medication...use PANAWAY on site
insect repellent...use PURIFICATION to repel and also if already suffering from stings
cleaning products...useTHIEVES on surfaces and diffuse to keep air germ free
stress relief medication...use VALOR, diffuse, inhale, put on soles of feet and wrists

     Young Living Essential oils are the gold standard in the essential oil market. Used by hospitals, among them BETH ISRAEL IN NEW YORK CITY in conjunction with URBAN ZEN.

     Expand your arsenal for wellness with therapeutic grade essential oils. They are safe, readily available and cost effective...after all good health is priceless.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy 2011

Happy new year to all. As promised, information on your medicine cabinet, wellness with essential oils is soon to follow.

When reaching for healing and wellness, we should all have  9 basic essential oils and blends that address common complaints, right in our medicine cabinet.

Don't reach for headache medication without first trying peppermint(2 drops) rubbed into your temples and then deeply inhaling the remaining oil in your hands. This has great results, its all natural, no side effects, and is very cost effective.

I will be listing some of the uses of these 9 oils on my next blog. In the meantime check out the link below to my website. There is NO obligation, just browse the product line and let me know on my contact page if you need additional information.