Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring is around the corner

Spring is around the corner and spring cleaning is about to begin.
Detoxify your home with Thieves products. The formula in Thieves cleaner can't be beat.
Clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and eucalyptus radiata essential oils...what a powerful combination proven to be 99.9% effective in killing airborne bacteria.

According to historical accounts from the fourteenth century France, there was once a band a thieves who anointed themselves with various aromatics, such as cinnamon and clove, prior to robbing the homes of plague victims. The thieves never became ill and once captured were forced to relinquish their secret formula. Young Living's essential oil blend, Thieves, is based on this ancient account.

The natural antibacterial properties of Thieves Cleaner is safe way to clean your home and keep it as germ free as possible, without the risk of chemicals that can actually do more harm than good.

Good cleaning to you!